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How to Broadcast Your Message
to the CGA Community

The Collaborative Group of The Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer (CGA-IGC) represents a multi-disciplinary society working to eliminate the morbidity and early mortality of hereditary gastrointestinal cancers. As such, the membership is a focused and high-yield target for advertising research studies, job opportunities, or products in this field.


There is an opportunity to rent the email list of the CGA-IGC contact list for limited usage for distribution of an approved email. The rental of the email list should not be considered an endorsement of the contents of the email by the CGA-IGC. In addition, all rights to membership data are reserved and retained by the CGA-IGC.


If interested, please contact the CGA-IGC at for further details.

Guidelines for Email Approval

  1. A finalized version of the email to be distributed should be submitted at the time of the request. This should be clearly marked as a paid advertisement/announcement.​

  2. Final approval of emails will be at the discretion of the CGA Council and the right of refusal without need for specified cause is reserved.


  • CGA-IGC member:

    • Research: complimentary - a dedicated e-blast +mention in news bulletin +/- social media posts.

    • Job Posting: $500 for a dedicated e-blast + mention in news bulletin + posting on member portal job board for 3 months. 

  • CGA-IGC non-member:

    • Research: $500 for a dedicated e-blast + mention in news bulletin +/-social media post.

    • Job Posting: $1000 for a dedicated e-blast + mention in news bulletin + posting on member portal job board for 3 months.

  • Non-profit company/organization:

    • $1000 for a dedicated e-blast + mention in news bulletin + posting on member portal for job board for 3 months.

  • Industry/for profit company:

    • $2000 for a dedicated e-blast, + mention in news bulletin + posting on member portal job board for 3 months.


Note: E-blast content to be submitted by requesting party and draft will be reviewed/approved by CGA-IGC leadership and requesting party before distribution.


Please contact with questions, queries or additional pricing information.

  • Instagram

CGA-IGC PMB 197127420
21 E State Street  Suite 200
Columbus, OH  43215 

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