The Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancers has been funding projects to advance the care of patients and families with hereditary cancers syndromes since 2012. CGA-IGC’s continued investment in career development will foster clinical innovations and mold our future leaders.
Below is a description of three CGA-IGC Grant opportunities, including details on eligibility, submission instructions, and deadline information. We're delighted to continue our partnership with Fight CRC and the CCARE Lynch Syndrome to offer these research awards. New in 2025, is the award for FAP research, in partnership with the Roxanne and Henry Brandt Foundation.
March 10, 2025: Applications Open.
July 11, 2025: Application Deadline.
August 29, 2025: Awardees notified.
October 8, 2025: Recipients recognized at the CGA-IGC Annual Meeting Awards ceremony.
​October 31, 2025 Funding start date for the CGA-IGC & Roxanne and Henry Brandt Award for FAP Research.
January 1, 2026: Funding start date for CGA-IGC & Fight CRC Early Career Award and CGA-IGC & CCARE Lynch Syndrome Research Award.​
Early Career Award

12-month term
In partnership with Fight Colorectal Cancer, CGA-IGC is offering research, quality improvement or community engagement project awards that advance science, clinical care, or advocacy for patients with inherited colorectal cancer syndromes, familial colorectal cancer or early age onset colorectal cancer.
Key eligibility criteria
CGA-IGC Member in good standing.
Mentored Trainee or within 5 years of completion of training.
Project and investigators in United States.
Focus on Colorectal Cancer.
Applications Deadline July 11, 2025
Funding Start Date
January 1, 2026

CGA-IGC & CCARE Lynch Syndrome Research Award

24-month term
In partnership with CCARE Lynch Syndrome, (CGA-IGC) is offering research, quality improvement or patient engagement project award that are focused on improving the lives of patients with Lynch syndrome.
Key eligibility criteria
CGA-IGC Member in good standing.
Project and investigators in North, Central or South America.
Focus on Lynch Syndrome.
Applications Deadline July 11, 2025
Funding Start Date
January 1, 2026

CGA-IGC & Roxanne and Henry Brandt Foundation Award for FAP Research
Roxanne and Henry Brandt Foundation
24-month term
In partnership with the Roxanne and Henry Brandt Foundation, (CGA-IGC) is offering clinical, translational, or basic science research, quality improvement, or patient engagement projects that are focused on improving the lives of patients with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP).
Key eligibility criteria
CGA-IGC Member in good standing.
Project and investigators in North, Central or South America.
Focus on Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP).
Applications Deadline July 11, 2025
Funding Start Date
October 31, 2025
Funding for these research grants comes from our generous members, partners, and sponsors.
Please consider a donation to CGA-IGC which will go directly to supporting our efforts to be a resource for individuals and institutions working in the field of inherited gastrointestinal cancer syndromes.
CGA-IGC is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code ([EIN 90-0843053]). All gifts to CGA-IGC are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. No goods or services were given in consideration for this contribution unless expressly noted.