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Access to Genetic Care in Diverse Communities: The Latin American Experience!


Rita Barbosa-Matos, PhD - CGA-IGC Communications Committee

In our most recent podcast episode, we had the opportunity of having two amazing guests, Karin Álvarez Valenzuela, PhD, from Chile, and Adriana Della Valle, MD, from Uruguay. Together, they provided valuable insights into the state of medical genetics across Latin America, shedding light on the current challenges and opportunities in improving clinical care for patients and their families.

Starting with a concise summary of the evolution of genetics in Latin America, highlighting both genetic research and clinical care, we observe that the landscape remains varied, with significant disparities in the availability of genetic services. One of the main points discussed was how these disparities create uneven access to care, often influenced by socioeconomic and geographical factors.

The number of medical geneticists is still insufficient to meet the population's needs, and the main barriers identified were the costs of genetic testing, the lack of official degrees, and limited access to specialized training programs for clinical geneticists. 

There is a shared commitment to overcoming these barriers and navigating the complexities of integrating medical genetics into healthcare systems. The efforts of professionals like Dr. Álvarez Valenzuela and Dr. Della Valle are helping to build a future where access to genetic care is more equitable, enabling better outcomes for diverse communities.

To gain deeper insights into the current state of genetic care in Latin America, listen to our podcast episode here in Spanish and English.


If you enjoyed this podcast, you may like others from the CGA-IGC Podcast Series (Seasons 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7) presented by the CGA-IGC Education Committee. Or, explore our Expert Approach to Hereditary Gastrointestinal Cancers podcast series (Seasons 1 and 2).

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