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Congratulations to the CGA-IGC Award Recipients


We are proud to honor distinguished #CGAIGC members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of #HereditaryGICancer & our society.

CGA-IGC Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Carol Burke was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020 for her profound impact on the field of polyposis, her transformative leadership in the field, and her indelible impact on generations of mentees. Please join us at the Annual Meeting in Nashville to congratulate her in person. Learn more here

Albert de la Chapelle Distinguished Mentor Award

We are delighted to present this award to Professor Heather Hampel as the inaugural recipient of this award. In addition to sharing a special bond with Dr. de la Chapelle, she has mentored countless individuals internationally, many of whom have not only become excellent clinicians and researchers, but also leaders in professional organizations such as CGA. Learn more here

Dennis J. Ahnen Outstanding Service Award

There is no one more fitting to receive this award than Brandie Heald Leach. Her leadership and service within CGA are unparalleled. She was the Chair of the Abstract Review Committee from 2013-2021. In this role, she foundationally shaped the research program at the annual meeting, such that CGA is now recognized as a premiere international forum for Hereditary GI Cancer Research. In addition, she served on the Executive Council from 2011-2017 and was the first Genetic Counselor to serve as President of the organization in 2016. Her legacy of selfless and servant leadership has shaped the rigor of research presented at the CGA-IGC meeting and has profoundly strengthened the society. Learn more here

Thomas K. Weber Research Scholar Award

We are excited to announce this year’s recipient, Dr. Alessandro Mannucci, who will present a project entitled “Lynch Syndrome is Associated with Fecal and Salivary Dysbiosis.” Learn more here



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CGA-IGC PMB 197127420
21 E State Street  Suite 200
Columbus, OH  43215 

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