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Fight CRC and CGA-IGC Grants Early Career Award

Updated: May 30

Media release by Fight CRC

Fight Colorectal Cancer (Fight CRC) and Collaborative Group of the Americas on Inherited Gastrointestinal Cancer (CGA-IGC) award Early Career Award to advance the care of patients and families with hereditary cancers syndromes. The research grant will be awarded to advance science, clinical care, and advocacy for patients with inherited colorectal cancer syndromes, familial colorectal cancer or early age onset colorectal cancer.

This year’s CGA-IGC and Fight CRC Early Career Award is granted to Timothy Yen, Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at Loma Linda University Faculty Medical Group. Yen’s research is focused on quality improvement and informatics in the context of colorectal cancer and hereditary gastrointestinal cancers. The research he will be focused on for this grant will be, “integrated electronic health record intervention to improve provider-patient communication of familial colorectal cancer risk in those with advanced colorectal polyps.”

As much as 25% of all colorectal cancer (CRC) is due to high familial risk. A family history of advanced colorectal polyps increases familial risk of CRC similar to a family history of CRC. The impact of Yen’s research is meant to improve the care of patients with advanced colorectal polyps who have an increased familial risk of CRC. Future directions include expansion to multiple centers as well as other high risk CRC diagnoses.

“We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with CGA-IGC on the Early Career Award. By awarding this grant we hope to have a better understanding of care for those that have a family history of colorectal cancer, which we know is 1 in 3 people.”

Anjee Davis, Fight CRC President

“Our partnership with Fight Colorectal Cancer promotes CGA-IGC’s dedication to centering the voice of patients and families affected by hereditary, familial, and early age onset colorectal cancer. Fight CRC’s support of Dr. Timothy Yen’s research, aimed at improving colorectal cancer screening in family members of those with advanced precancerous colorectal polyps, has the potential to significantly improve screening in high-risk patients and is an amazing investment in a future leader of our field. We look forward to strengthening our partnership with Fight CRC to advance the care of patients and mold the future of our field.”

Swati G. Patel, CGA-IGC President & Chair of the Meeting Planning Committee

In partnership CGA-IGC and Fight CRC will host an event to announce the award on Friday, November 11 from 7-10pm CT, on the rooftop of Ole Red in the heart of Music City. It is their joint mission to advance the care of patients and family members by ensuring that cutting-edge research and clinical care paradigms inform patient support tools and policy change in an equitable and inclusive manner.

To learn more about CGA-IGC and Fight CRC visit or

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