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CGA-IGC highlights during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month!


Updated: Apr 18, 2023

Thank you to #CGAIGC committee members, leaders & the wider #HereditaryGICancer community for their contribution to the 2023 #ColorectalCancerAwarenessMonth!

The mission of CGA-IGC is to be a resource to its members and the wider #HereditaryGICommunity, and we're delighted to highlight the resources and initiatives shared during #ColorectaCancerAwarenessMonth:

March 1 / CGA-IGC released a must-view interview highlighting the #eoCRC initiative and guidelines with members of the #DIRECt group, Drs. Swati Patel, Giulia Martina Cavestro, Alessandro Mannucci & Marta Puzzono!

March 6 / Release of the #eoCRC toolkit providing educational and clinical practice resources to improve the early detection and management of #eoCRC.

March 9 / CGA-IGC swag became available to purchase & is still AVAILABLE! If you missed out on the CGA-IGC socks at #CGAIGC22 in Nashville, you can buy your very own CGA-IGC branded t-shirt or sweatshirt. Then join us at #CGAIGC23 in Las Vegas for the ultimate #HereditaryGICancer group photo! Any profits will directly support our efforts to be a resource for individuals and institutions working to ELIMINATE hereditary, familial, and early-age onset GI cancers. Browse and buy your CGA-IGC swag here.

March 10 / Colorectal Cancer Moonshot Forum at the White House. We were honored and excited that our 2022 president, Dr. Swati G. Patel, and partners participated in the #CancerMoonshot Forum on Colorectal cancer (CRC) at the White House on March 10th, 2023. The forum brought together patients, caretakers, clinicians, researchers, and administration officials to foster discussions on progress and opportunities in CRC awareness, screening, access, and treatments. Learn more here.

March 13 / Our Communications committee chair Charles Muller shared a tweetorial that broke down the #eoCRC #DIRECt International Management Guidelines.

March 20 / An insightful summary by Research Committee member Dr. Francesc Balaguer on CGA-IGC member Dr Robert Huneburg’s "AI work - Can Use of Real-Time Artificial Intelligence (Cadeye) with Endoscopy Improve the Adenoma Detection Rate for Patients with Lynch Syndrome"?

March 23 / Our joint webinar with the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) on the occasion of #LynchSyndromeAwareness featured our 2023 president, Dr. Peter Stanich & past president Professor Heather Hampel, who spoke about "Historical and current approaches to identifying individuals with Lynch Syndrome".

Read the webinar summary written by our Communication committee members Michelle Springer & Rita Matos. This webinar is available on-demand to our members. If you're not a member, we invite you to sign up here.

March 28 / Another excellent summary by Research Committee chair, Linda Rodgers-Fouche focusing on Dr. Kristen Simmons’ #CGAIGC22 presentation "Is there a long-term benefit to immunotherapy in colorectal cancer?”. If you would like to watch this presentation and others, you can sign up for CGAIGC22 on-demand here.

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